Bureau Greek expression to be strong, to govern, strength: compare to the French expression bureaucratie.].
Crazy as the nuyorican Are you "loco", helmano?
In modern usage, bureaucracy equates with inefficiency, laziness, and waste, while in our terms, BuReAuCrAzY concords with "Loco Bureau".
Familiar Quotations:
Honoré de Balzac : "and thus BureaucraZy, the giant power wielded by pigmies, came into the world".
John Stuart Mill : "The disease which inflicts BureaucraZy and what they usually die from is routine".
Chang Kai-Chek: "who the hell is Buleau… ClaZy!?!"
Heinrich Heine: "La verdadera locura quiza no sea otra cosa que la sabiduría misma que, cansada de descubrir las vergüenzas del mundo ha tomado la inteligente resolución de volverse loca
Translations: Albanian (burokraci), Arabic (البيروقراطية) Bulgarian (бюрокрация), Ch inese (官僚主義 , 官僚), Farsi (دیوان سالاری .), Greek (γραφειοκρατία), Hebrew (נירת מסורבלת), Japanese Katakana (モューロクラシー ), Tai (ระบบบริหารที่มีพิธีรีตรอง )… always with ZZZZZ!!!!!
Is a bottomless cauldron where the emotions, creativities, imaginations and savoir-faires of numerous and talented young souls confluence into one main stream of perestroika (change) and glasnost (openness). The different backgrounds represented amongst them (architecture, graphic design, photography, filming, ) supports the foundations of a living creature, with no face and no particular form, willing to spring upon the mentally-frozen minds, gobble them up and leave no rest.
This should not be interpreted as the will of imposing any kind of hidden hierarchical aesthetics, but just chirurgical "anti-ethics". Guerrilla-warfare might be a similar synonym, but this "learned ignorance" of failed historicism is just… bullshit. Therefore, excuse them while, again, they kiss the sky.
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